This Fall, I've planted well over 50 varieties of bulbs / tubers/ corms in both my Lower Mainland / Vancouver and / or mountain gardens. The majority of these plants were botanical or "species" Tulipa, Reticulated Iris, various Spring and Fall blooming Crocus, rock garden Narcissus, Galanthus, Colchicum, Erythronium, Lilium, Chionodoxa, Scilla and Cyclamen.

Special measures were taken, at the mountain garden, to protect vulnerable plants, particularly botanical Tulipa, from voles - which are tunneling rodents that ravage plants and their roots under the cover of snow. Squirrels and pocket gophers are also an issue. I built these sturdy, metal, sealable cages out of hardware cloth and baling wire, with Mike Kintgen's encouragement.

Now Mike Kintgen has advised that in his mountain garden at Steamboat Lake, Colorado, he has found that voles will sample just about anything except for Narcissus, Galanthus and Colchicum. Even "deer resistant" bulbs such as many Crocus and Iris are vulnerable. I am keeping my fingers crossed. If I had built cages for every variety of bulb I planted, I would still be making cages!
Anyhow, I've already been treated to some Fall blooms in the Vancouver garden, with more on the way: